Procurement - How to - Simplified and restricted Purchase user roles


This article explains the difference between simplified and restricted Purchase user roles, how to use them, and how to set the correct user rights.


Users can only have one of the following user rights: 


User rights

Select a user right in AP Administration > Users > User Roles > Purchase

A user with Use simplified Basware Purchase or Use restricted Basware Purchase can have the following additional user rights in AP:

If any other user rights are granted to the users, it is considered a configuration error, and it may cause unexpected results. In this case, these users can only send requisitions for approval and receive them.


Simplified Basware Purchase

Simplified Basware Purchase brings a simple user interface and feature set to the users who do not need complex purchase functionalities. These users can order items, send requisitions for approval, and receive goods.

Users get a simplified purchase experience, where only essential information is accessible. They can see prices.

Users can only handle goods receipt tasks.

Users can only search for purchase requisitions that the users themselves create, and goods receipts for which they are receivers. They cannot search for any other document types.

Only a limited set of other user rights is allowed

Users can be contact persons for orders if they are selected as the "Goods receiver to contact".

Typically, the users with simplified Basware Purchase are users who seldom need to purchase anything, and who mainly purchase catalog items.


Restricted Basware Purchase

The main difference between restricted and simplified is that users with Restricted Basware Purchase cannot see prices.

Users can easily request items from any source, get approval, and receive the items. However, they cannot edit requisitions, search for documents, collaborate on documents, approve documents, or use more complex purchase functionalities. These restrictions prevent the user from being confused or overwhelmed by unnecessary information when trying to place simple orders.

Users cannot see price information at any phase of the purchase process.

Users can be contact persons for orders if they are selected as the "Goods receiver to contact".

Typically, the users with restricted Basware Purchase are temporary workers or external contractors that need access to Basware AP.


Use case limitations

Because of the limited user rights, users with Use simplified Basware Purchase or Use restricted Basware Purchase have the following limitations:

To simplify the user interface, users with Use simplified Basware Purchase or Use restricted Basware Purchase user right have the following limitations related to navigation:

To simplify the user interface, users with Use simplified Basware Purchase or Use restricted Basware Purchase user right have the following limitations related to actions:


Purchase requisition owner resolving

When users with Use simplified Basware Purchase or Use restricted Basware Purchase user right create requisitions, their supervisor becomes the owner of the requisition. If the supervisor does not have the Use Basware Purchase user right, then the next supervisor becomes the owner, and so on.

If supervisor resolving is used for resolving the approver of the requisition, then the approver will be the supervisor of the purchase requisition owner (not the purchase requisition creator in this case).


Additional information:

These features do not require any configuration and they work only in AP Edge.

Note that only new free-text forms are available for customers that use this feature. Prices cannot be hidden from the old free-text forms, not even if the restricted purchase is in use.

Read more about user roles from AP Purchase - How to - Purchase User Roles.

Simplified Basware Purchase and Restricted Basware Purchase user rights can be used together with Integrated Shopping Experience (ISE). Read more about ISE configurations from AP Purchase - Finalizing the ISE configuration - Customer actions.