Insights dashboards: Touchless invoice processing

Summary: Touchless Invoice Processing dashboard gives you an overview of KPIs relevant to touchless invoice processing. It is your AP performance cockpit allowing you to set KPI targets for your organizations, and suppliers ​and track the progress​. 


1. Volume and value of invoices​

How it's calculated?

Volume of invoices is calculated using the count of distinct invoice IDs. Invoice values is calculated by summing the net sum org value in all the invoices processed during the period.

2. Average invoice processing time​

How it's calculated?

Invoice processing time is the time the invoice spent between the invoice creation date and completion of transfer.  If there are multiple transfers for an invoice, the latest transfer date is the one used.  Average of the processing time for all invoices for the reporting period is calculated to get the average invoice processing time.

2.1. Average available days to process

2.2 ​Average days to pay

3. Invoice origin environmental impact​

How it's calculated?

4. Key Performance Indicators

4.1. Touchless Rate

Percentage of invoices that go straight through without human intervention out of all invoices.​

How it's calculated?

An invoice is flagged as touchless if all the tasks undertaken during the processing of the invoice is automatic.

4.2. E-Invoice Rate

How it's calculated?

An invoice is flagged as e-invoice if the invoice origin information for the invoice indicates that it is received via any of the above mentioned invoice origins.

4.3. Association Rate

How it's calculated?

Association rate is the number of invoice lines that is associated automatically to a PO or SP out of all invoice lines of PO-/ SP-invoices.

4.4. ​Process Efficiency

How it's calculated?

An invoice is flagged as transferred on time if it has a transfer date earlier than due date. Percentage of transferred-on-time invoices out of all invoices is calculated to get process efficiency KPI value.

4.5. On-time Payment

How it's calculated?

An invoice is flagged as paid-on-time if it has a payment date earlier than due date. Percentage of paid-on-time invoices out of all invoices is calculated to get on-time payment rate KPI value.