Email Template for Portal for Receiving

Supported document types:

Basware Portal for Receiving support Invoices, Credit Notes and Payment Reminders. Other possible document types are delivered as Documents.

Example of Invoice email template:

The email body contains a "Open Invoice" button to open the invoice. Invoice and possible attachments are also attached in the email.

The email body also includes the document summary with basic invoice data: Recipient, Customer Number, Invoice Number, Due Date, and Gross Total.

Email template is dynamic, e.g. if customer number is not provided by Supplier it is not included in the summary:

When recipient clicks View Invoice button it opens the invoice in the browser. If attachments were delivered with the invoice they are shown in the presentment view.

Email template languages and selection:

By default, the email template language is detected based on the recipient 's country.  Note, in Belgium the default language is English. Recipient can view the document summary in a different language by choosing the preferred language from the list in the email.

Recipient can also set the new preferred language for the future notifications.


How to recognize phishing attempts:

You can recognize fraud e-mails looking similar to Invoices, Credit Notes or Payment Reminders to the ones generated by Basware from the sender’s e-mail address and URLs.

Real e-mails from Basware always contain, for example or

Examples of wrong e-mail senders:

The link from official Basware notifications always links to:, for example

Examples of wrong links:

If someone from your organization has already clicked any of these links, we recommend a security check of their hardware.