With SmartOrders, buyers and suppliers can collaborate easily on purchase orders even if the supplier does not have a Basware Network account. SmartOrders can be sent to all suppliers who currently receive purchase orders via email in PDF format. With SmartOrders, suppliers can easily provide feedback or make changes on purchase orders, and buyers do not have to manually confirm or update purchase orders when changes are needed. Instead, these suppliers can have all the same flexibility that is currently available with XML orders.
Advantages of using SmartOrders:
- Supplier registration –Registration is not required, but it is easy to do. By registering, suppliers can see their other documents in Basware Portal.
- Email with attachments – Email contains both the .PDF and .XML order attachment.
- Ease of access – Supplier has direct access to order in Basware Portal, accessible directly from a convenient button in the email sent to the supplier. No login required.
- Cost of processing purchase orders - Buyers can process purchase orders more quickly when they are electronic, instead of manually processing them. Less processing time means less cost.
- Ease of interaction – It is easy for suppliers to provide feedback for single documents , that is accept, reject, change, flip to invoice. Buyers can interact with their suppliers directly. By comparison, using standard email can involve lots of manual work.
- Less risk of error – Electronic interactions produce a full audit log and history, resulting in fewer miscommunications and minimizing processing errors.
- Works with buyers who cannot send XML – Great solution for buyers who are only able to send emails currently (unable to send XML orders), but would like to be able to interact with a supplier.
- Network registration – Supplier is not required to register on Basware Network to use this facility, unlike regular Basware Portal.
Instructions for SmartOrders feature enablement:
For SmartOrders, implementation by a Basware consultant is needed.
- Go to the Basware Support Portal and click Request a service.
- Click New Feature Enablement.
- In the Account field, select your account.
- In the Business Service field, select Business line (in this SmartOrders feature it is Purchase).
- In the Mention the required feature to be enabled field, type the desired functionality name.
- Click Order Now.
A change request ticket will be created and sent to the Change Request Management team. A Change Request Manager will prepare a quote for the feature enablement and will contact you soon.
How the SmartOrders process works:
- SmartOrders allow suppliers to receive an email that contains a link to the purchase order which has been sent to them. The email link will be valid for 72 hours. If the supplier clicks the link after that time frame, a new email with a link will be sent to the supplier. The new link will have the 72 hours validity period.
- The supplier is then able to access this purchase order with a web browser, using what is a limited version of the network supplier interface.
- From here, the supplier is then able to process responses using a Portal type user interface to confirm, reject or propose changes to the received purchase order.
- From Basware Procurement the buyer is then able to view these supplier responses and send their own responses back.
- This back-and-forth interaction continues until the buyer and supplier agree on the order, and after agreeing the product and/or service can then be properly ordered and subsequently received.
- Following the ordering process, the supplier can utilize the same Portal to then flip the purchase order into an invoice.
SmartOrders scenarios explained:
- Order Accept - Order Created - Supplier Accepts
- User creates a purchase requisition - order created.
- Supplier receives an email.
- Supplier clicks the email link, is taken to Portal and clicks Accept.
- Order line shows to buyer as Ordered/Confirmed in Basware Procurement.
- Order Reject - Order Created - Supplier Rejects
- User creates a purchase requisition - order created.
- Supplier receives an email.
- Supplier clicks the email link, is taken to Portal and clicks Reject.
- Order line shows to buyer as Rejected by supplier in Basware Procurement.
- Order Change - Order Created - Supplier Proposes Price Decrease - Buyer Accepts/Rejects
- User creates a purchase requisition - order created.
- Supplier receives an email.
- Supplier clicks the email link, is taken to Portal and clicks Propose Change.
- Supplier can make changes on the order line level. For example price reduction from 100 to 90.
- Supplier can send the response back from Send Response.
- Order status is updated in Basware Procurement to Changed by supplier.
- User can drill into purchase order and see exact proposed changes.
- Order can now be accepted or rejected and response is sent back to supplier.
After this order becomes finalized when:
- Supplier confirms PO without changes.
- Buyer confirms supplier changes.
The requester is then assigned a goods receipt task and can receive goods in Basware Procurement after they are delivered.
When a purchase order has been finalized, the supplier receives an email. The supplier can click Manage purchase orders and invoices, and is then able to convert the order to an invoice.
There are two ways to configure SmartOrders:
- anyERP integration
- Works with anyERP integration as described in this article. Implementation needs Basware consultant work.
- Delivery method must be Basware Network. The supplier's default order address must defined.
- Identifiers that are used with anyERP integration. Note that ENDPOINT_SCHEME_ID must be EMAIL-RFC2822:
- Works with API. Basware customers can take this method into use by themselves.
- Delivery method settings are the same as with the anyERP SmartOrders configuration. Check the settings above.
- Identifiers that are used with REST API. Note that ENDPOINT_SCHEME_ID must be EMAIL-RFC2822:
- To send SmartOrders, the delivery method needs to be Basware Network. ENDPOINT_SCHEME_ID must be EMAIL-RFC2822. The email address comes from the Order default address field, not the identifier. The setting is the same when using anyERP integration and Order REST API integration.
- To send XML orders (not SmartOrders) to a supplier using REST API integration, the delivery method needs to be Basware Network and ENDPOINT_SCHEME_ID must be something other than EMAIL-RFC2822.
- SmartOrders receiver comes from AP Procurement Admin supplier data field Order default address (instead of identifier ENDPOINT_ID), is copied from there to the purchase requisition draft, and can be changed. SmartOrders receiver using REST API can be changed in the AP Procurement Purchase UI the same way as when using anyERP integration.
- PartyID identifier is not mandatory when using ENDPOINT_ID EMAIL-RFC2822.
Additional Information:
For further information about order responses, see Procurement - How to - Order Response from supplier to AP Procurement (UBL 2.0) - Basware Customer Support (