Supplier Guide - Delivery Items - Content Loader

Delivery Items

Delivery charges are created using items of the type ‘Delivery.’ These Delivery Items are linked to Standard Items and can be applied on a per-item or a per-basket basis.

The UNSPSC code for Delivery Items is 78102203 (Mailing or mail pick up or delivery services).

Creating a Delivery Item in the Content Loader

The Content Loader is Basware’s Excel application for managing larger numbers of items. You can use this to enter and manage your data, and then export it to an XML file for importing in to Product Manager.



Please see below an overview for each column:

Item ID - This is the supplier's identifier for the item, usually the Supplier's Part Number or SKU code, and is chosen by the supplier. If you have no ID for your item, then any other value can be entered in this field, for example "ABC123".  The ID must be unique per item. This field is mandatory.

Item name - This is the Short Description for the item that will appear in the Catalogue and on the Purchase Order. This field is used to identify the item and so should be clear, precise and easily understood. This field is mandatory.

Item Type - Indicates whether the item is a delivery charge or a Standard Item. For delivery charges type Delivery. This field is mandatory.

Delivery Item ID - For a Standard product, this defines the Item ID of the delivery charge to be used. For your Delivery Item type NA

Delivery Type – For a Delivery Item type either Item or Basket:

1. Item – the charge will be applied on a per-item basis

2. Basket – the charge will be applied on a per-basket basis.

For example, a buyer orders a laptop that has a delivery charge of £5. If the delivery charge is of type ‘Item’ then the charge will increase with the quantity of laptops – 3 laptops will cost £15 to deliver, 10 laptops will cost £50, and so on.

If, however, the delivery charge is of type ‘Basket’ then it will be applied once per basket regardless of the quantity of laptops ordered. So for 3, 10 or 100 laptops the delivery charge will be £5. This field is mandatory.

Unit of Measure - The units in which the goods or service are priced and delivered. A list of unit of measure codes can be found on the UOM Definitions tab on the Content Loader form, however for Delivery Items type EA. This field is mandatory.

Unit Price – The items cost, or in this case the cost of delivery. This field is mandatory.

Minimum Order Quantity - The minimum number of units that must be purchased when ordering this item. The value must be greater than zero, usually 1 unless you are applying a price break. This field is mandatory.

Quantity Interval - The minimum increment, above the Minimum Order Quantity, in which the item can be ordered. For example, if the Minimum Order Quantity is 10, and the Quantity Interval is 5, the buyer will be able to purchase quantities of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc. For Delivery Items this would usually be 1 unless you are applying a price break. This field is mandatory.

UNSPSC – The classification code for an item. For Delivery Items this is 78102203, which is valid in both version 8 and 19. This field is mandatory.

Goods or Service? – Defines if your item as physical Goods or a Service. For delivery charges, use NA. This field is mandatory.

Long Description - A full description of the item. This field is mandatory.

Instructions can also be found on the Content Loader form by hovering over the column headers, and on the Examples tab.


Applying Delivery Items to Standard Items

A Delivery Item can be added as a delivery charge to a Standard Item by entering the Item ID of the Delivery Item under the Delivery Item ID column for the Standard Item.


In the above example the Item ID for the Delivery Item from cell A6 has been entered in the Delivery Item ID column against the standard item number 123 (cell D5). This ensures that when the item 123 is ordered the delivery charge specified for Delivery Item 456 (under unit price) is applied per item.