Basware service invoice guidelines

Basware sends service invoices monthly and typically on the first week of the month.
Invoices are sent usually on the 5th day.
The invoice concerns services provided in the previous month.
Basware is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange (Nasdaq: BAS1V)(Finland), and for financial reporting purposes, the transactions are based on the Helsinki time zone.
Invoices are sent as e-invoices or via e-mail. In some cases where it is required by law, the invoice can be sent as a paper invoice. Basware has many locations to print invoice data to paper, and it is cost-efficient and ecological to print the invoice to paper at the nearest place to the recipient. This method is also available to Basware's customers.
Basware is an electronic invoicing company, and most likely, customers of Basware are using state-of-the-art invoicing solutions (e-invoice sending). This might be due to your customers' requirements to send e-invoices. Due to this, the best outcome is to have your invoices received as e-invoices or at the very least an email.
If you have any concerns about the invoice, please contact Basware with the invoice number before the due date.
On Basware service invoices, the contact person is marked as "Contact person". Please, log in via the upper right corner to make a support request. Your issue can be resolved much faster with official details on the contact form. Your username would be your email address. New users are created on an ongoing basis if needed.
If you do not have login details to the support portal, please use the general contact form via the "Contact support" link.
Basware can help you to automate invoice matching, by letting Basware's sales invoicing team fill out the below details: