How to create a Cloudscan 3.0 user?

Summary: The article covers below topics -

    1.  Where CloudScan 3.0 users are set up & managed?
    2.  How to create a new CloudScan user?
    3.  How to create another admin user (Basware admin)?


  1. Where CloudScan 3.0 users are set up & managed?

    • Cloudscan 3.0 users are created and managed in Basware Admin.

           Test Basware Admin: 
           Production Basware Admin: 

    • Basware Admin is a self-service user management web application mainly for customer admin users.

  2.  How to create a new CloudScan user.

    • The admin user can create new CloudScan 3.0 users in the Admin tool.

    • Click on the "User Management" tab

                user management.png

    • Click on the Create User button.


    • Fill in all the mandatory fields (marked with an asterisk *)."


      The mandatory fields are:

      First name User's first name
      Last name User's last name
      Username User's email address
      Email User's email address
      Company code Organization unit
      External code Do not change the value in this field as it is a unique identifier

    • In Login type, select Basware Access login.  'Basware Access login' should be set up for CloudScan 3.0 users.


    • If the user will use a username and password to log in (instead of single sign-on), select Welcome in the "Send account creation email" field to send an account creation link to the user.


    • Select Access Login Method.

                a) For Email and Password login type: EmailAndPWD value is used


                b) For SSO login type: SSO1 value is used


    • Select Yes in Login allowed to allow the user to log in.


    • Use the Application groups field to grant the user access to applications.
      You can configure available application group values in Configuration > Application Group.

         Select the appropriate application group from the drop-down list:

      1. CloudscanWithSelfValidation for Self Validation
      2. CloudscanWithBaswareValidation for Basware Validation

    • When you have filled in all the necessary fields, click Save.

  3.  How to create another admin user (Basware admin)?

    1. The existing admin user can create new admin users in the Admin tool by granting them access to "BaswareAdmin" under the Application groups.



Note: Each created user will receive an email to activate their account.