Change Request required


While reviewing the reported quality feedback, we identified one or more values captured correctly based on the Scan and Capture Specification and Validation Guide (SVG) or SmartPDF's Data Capture Guide (DCG). However, according to the received feedback, the value was different than what was expected by the customer. This reference document (SVG/DCG) contains the details and rules specified by the customer and is maintained by Basware with the customer’s approval.

A change is required in the Scan and Capture or SmartPDF environment to deliver the expected value. Basware is detailing the proposed changes and associated costs and is requesting you review and approve or reject the implementation of such a change request.


The validation team has observed that the Scan and Capture Specification and Validation Guide (SVG) or Data Capture Guide (DCG) states that the Purchase Order number is an alphanumeric field, and the string length is always 6 characters. As per the feedback reported by the customer, the expected PO number to be captured has a length of 8 characters. Change Request can then be proposed to change the string length rule from 6 to 8 characters if desired.

Customer actions

Basware has created an incident for further follow-up for all billable change requests from analyzing a Scan and Capture or Data Capture feedback form.

The Basware technical implementation team first investigates the proposed change in greater detail. Basware will then provide you with a complete description of the proposed change and cost estimation for review and approval.

Basware actions

We have opened a separate support request (ticket) in our ticketing system to further follow up on implementing the change request. We will contact you through the case for further discussions and approval.

How can I ask questions or raise suggestions?

If there are any further inquiries related to the "Change Request required" finding or if you have suggestions, we welcome your feedback. Please get in touch with Basware Support by filing the following support case.

For a comprehensive summary of the renewed quality feedback process and the selected improvements that have been applied, please review the Scan and Capture Feedback Analysis Process Article.