Due to mandatory change directed by Certificate Authority, Basware has to renew the EDI Signing certificate associated with the BaswareOne service. The certificates for the Pre-Production and Production environment will be replaced.
Actions are required if you are using EDI signed document flow.
It's crucial that the certificate renewal will be done on the customer side at the given time frame. Failing to replace the certificate at these intervals will prevent you from sending or receiving Business Documents via the Basware Network if your documents are e-signed.
Pre-Production environment:
How: You can download the EDI signing certificate from here.
When: March 27, 2024 08:00 UTC
Details of the pre-production certificates that require replacement:
Serial Number: 352106231f03a6325d
Production environment:
How: You can download the EDI signing certificate from here.
When: March 28, 2024 08:00 UTC
Details of the production certificates that require replacement:
Serial Number: 2bd1ddde129fcdf265
Frequently asked questions:
Q: When will we be able to download the new certificates (and the certificate chain)?
A: The new certificates including the complete certificate chain can be found on this page.
Q: Where do I download the new certificates from?
A: The new certificates including the complete certificate chain can be found on this page.
Q: When should we install the new certificates?
A: Basware will send a concluding notification when new certificates are applied. Please proceed with certificate change after that.
Q: What are the action points I need to take?
A: As the older certificate in your system will not be valid after Basware change, so you need to download and install the new certificate.
Q: Should I resend the document after installing the certificate?
A: No, do not resend the document as Basware already has it and we will reprocess it manually.
Q: What should we do if we replace the production certificate but observe errors when trying to send or receive Business Documents?
A: If you encounter issues afterward, please contact our Customer Support.