Supplier Guide - Delivery Items in Product Manager

Delivery Items

Delivery items are the charges you apply to Standard Items for delivery, to be applied per item, or per basket.

Creating a Delivery item in Product Manager

  1. From the Item Directory you can access both the Create Item and Edit Item pages.
  2. When you select a Product Type of Delivery Item the relevant the fields below are shown. This section also includes Delivery Type and Item ID.
    • Item: the charge will be applied per item
    • Basket, the charge will be applied basket in the Supplier Item ID field, you enter the ID of Standard Item to which the delivery charge should be applied.
  3. Enter the Name, Description and Keywords for your delivery item.
    • The Name of this Delivery Item will be shown in Product Manager and the shopping basket and so should be informative, concise and relevant to the item.
    • The Description is for your reference and is only shown in your Product Manager.
    • Keywords in Delivery Items are used to help you find the item in Product Manager.
  4. Add an appropriate delivery UNSPSC Classification. 
  5. Images are optional. 
  6. Click Save to save your item or changes to Product Manager and Cancel to cancel your unsaved changes and return to the Item Directory.

Related articles: 

Supplier Guide - Delivery Item Price Breaks for Product Manager - Learn how to use price breaks to give buyers a discount on delivery charges for large orders. 

Supplier Guide - Delivery Items - Content Loader - Learn how to quickly and easily update all of your delivery items using our Content Loader.

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