How to check reports in BT-Monitor?

How to check reports in BT-Monitor?

1. Log-in to BT-Monitor via

Basware is a Finnish company and listed in the Helsinki Stock Exchange, and service invoices are based on the Helsinki time zone.

Please make sure, that your BT-Monitor profile is set as Helsinki if double checking the Basware's service invoice (transaction volumes).

2. Check and change timezone
It is also recommended to check all the tabs, for example, all columns are selected. This way you get the full benefits of BT-Monitor.
3. Check reports
* You can choose your date as long as the calendar goes, but the report will only show data past 3 months due to privacy and security reasons.
* Basware invoices transactions previous full month
* You can export data to Excel file when a report is run from BT -> Export report results
* Customer is the name of the company how it is presented by the supplier (supplier written name)
4. Source/Origin
* OCR means Optical Character Recognition from an image. This is directed scanning validation rules (SVG-document). In the PDF e-invoice service, the data is captured as machine readable.
* "Other" is Basware's new services (for example PDF e-invoice), and transaction volumes are coming from the new Basware Portal.