Summary: Touchless Invoice Processing Discovery dashboard allows users to tailor the touchless rate calculation by selecting phases, tasks, and actions, with a detailed breakdown for targeted process evaluation.
Action buttons
This visualization enables users to tailor the touchless rate calculation by selecting phases, tasks, and actions, providing a detailed breakdown for targeted process evaluation.
In this visualization, the Selected process touchless rate shows the touchless rate in invoice processing including only the phases, tasks and actions you have chosen to be included to the calculation. Using the filters you can select the phases and tasks to be included and select the actions to be excluded in the calculation of touchless rate in your invoice processing. The filter for actions is an exclusion filter so that the selections you make are excluded from the calculations. The process you have selected will filter the rest of the dashboard.
Use the Touchless trend button from the top of the dashboard to show the trend of the touchless rate for the invoices that follow the selected process over time. Hover over the trend line to see the value per period. Use this trend line to see if the improvements you have made to your process are successfully improving the touchless rate of your invoices.
The chart below the Selected process touchless rate shows the touchless rate for each processing phase you have chosen to be included in the selected process. The table also includes:
Use the date filter to visualize the dashboard according to the creation month or the transfer month of invoices. If Creation month is selected, the dashboard shows all the invoices that were created during the months selected from the Creation month filter. If Transfer month is selected, the dashboard shows all the invoices that were transferred during the months that are selected from the Transfer month filter.
Use the Value/Volume filter to choose whether to use invoice value or invoice volume in all the visualizations.
How it's calculated?
The Selected process touchless rate KPI is calculated as the percentage of the invoices that were processed touchlessly in the selected part of the process out of all invoices that were processed in the selected part of the process.
This table lists touchless rate for organizations, suppliers, or invoice origins, enabling users to identify areas causing manual actions and to optimize processes.
For each organization, supplier, and invoice origin, in addition to touchless rate, non-touchless rate, the total number of invoices by value or volume for the selected process, total number of actions, and the average task time per invoice is listed.
Use this table to understand which suppliers organizations, or invoice origins cause most manual actions, so that you can focus on them to improve your touchless rate. With this table you can also get get visibility of which suppliers or invoice origins cause a high average task time, so that you can focus on them to optimize your process.
You can filter this chart according to touchless rate using the Filter list based on performance slider. Use this filter to list only the suppliers/organizations/invoice origins with a touchless rate range that you want to focus on.
This visualization highlights the impact of the selected process on various key performance indicators, facilitating a focused approach to process improvement.
Select the KPI you want to focus on from the KPI filter. The KPIs are calculated for all of the invoices that went through the selected process. The KPIs or outcomes included:
Use the KPI trends button to show the trend of the selected KPIs. Use the Hide KPIs button to close this visualization.
This chart categorizes invoices by complexity, helping users identify common actions for improvement and quick touchless rate enhancement.
Invoice complexity is defined by the number of actions executed on a single invoice. The higher the number of actions, the more complex it is perceived to be.
On the visualization the X-axis presents invoice complexity and the y-axis indicates the number of invoices that have had a certain number of actions executed.
The largest bar indicates the most common complexity among your invoices. Use this visualization to see the most repeated actions on invoices of any given complexity from the visualization What manual actions are executed to my invoices? (open the visualization using the List manual actions button and filter using the required complexity). Automating the most repeated actions on low complexity invoices can help you improve your touchless rate quicker.
This visualization shows the trend of total manual actions over time, assisting in evaluating the effectiveness of the process improvements.
Use this trend line to see whether the improvements you have made to your process are successfully reducing the number of manual actions needed for your invoices.
This table lists all manual actions on non-touchless invoices, allowing users to identify and eliminate repeated actions for touchless rate improvement.
Expand the table to see the grouping of the actions to process phases and tasks.
This table provides insights into users manually processing invoices, helping identify active users, repeated actions, and potential bottlenecks in the processing workflow
From the menu on the top of the table, you can select the users you want to see in the list. You can also filter the table using user type - AP user or business user- from the filter for user type. Business users and AP users are indicated with different colors in the average actions per invoice bar.
Sort the table using invoice volume or action count to see your most active users. You can see which manual actions are repeated by your most active users by filtering What manual actions are executed to my invoices? visualization using specific user names from this list. To understand bottlenecks in your invoice processing, you can check the tasks done by users with high task time per invoice.