Match with bestfit the rest of the invoice total after line level matching


In Basware release 23.8 we are introducing a new feature that enables automatic matching for the rest of the invoice sum for which some of the invoice lines have not been automatically associated.


Feature ID: ALUSTA-93196
P2P 23.8
Feature Implementation: 
Basware consultant work is needed



Earlier a user action was required when some invoice lines were automatically associated with a referenced purchase order but some lines were not.

Now the sum of the invoice lines that have not been automatically associated is calculated, and the correct order items are searched based on the sum instead of line details. This same functionality is used if none of the invoice lines can be associated.



This feature is automatically in use if automatic recognition methods are enabled for Match Orders, and if bypassing the invoice line details as the secondary matching option is allowed. 

Earlier when association rule failed then some invoice lines failed to automatically match to the referenced order.  As shown in the screenshot below:

In 23.8, when association rule failed then some invoice lines failed to automatically match to the referenced order, now these unassociated invoice lines are marked as disabled and remaining invoice sum is matched using bestfit approach.


In invoice history, you can see the entry "System detected that all invoice lines were not associated with a purchase order. The rest of the invoice is tried to be matched without invoice line details."

There is a Basic validation rule "Review required for invoices matched partly without line details " in OM category which is enabled by default for the om categories having "Recognition method for invoices with line details" as "Enabled"

Because of above rule, the invoices for which all invoice lines were not associated with a purchase order and the rest of the invoice is matched without invoice line details, will end up in manual matching screen with error "Invoice was partly matched without line details. Review is required"

Now if you see invoices ending up in manual matching with error "Invoice was partly matched without line details. Review is required", then you have 2 options:

Option 1: To avoid validation rule errors during manual matching, please review the matching results. If you are satisfied with the results and wish to proceed without this error for all future invoices, disable the Basic validation rule in the corresponding OM Category. This will ensure a smoother matching process without any validation issues.

Option 2: If you want to review the results of matching for the invoices partly matched without line details then keep this rule enabled and proceed with reviewing the invoices in manual matching.

To activate the automatic recognition methods for invoices where the lines cannot be associated with a purchase order yet, and to start enjoying from the benefits of this feature, please contact your Basware consultant or Basware Support.


Additional Information:

Basware Purchase-to-Pay 23.8 Release Notes (BWKB0019030)

Basware Features: ALUSTA-93196