No scanned invoices on Monday?

Basware works 24 hours every business day (24/5), except on public and bank holidays. The scanned invoice needs human manual work; hence scanning is only done on business days.

The local postal service will deliver paper mail to the local scanning facility in the morning. Mail is sorted by PO Boxes, envelopes are opened, and papers are sorted, for example, by removing paper clips. Then the papers are scanned and sent for data capturing and validation (OCR process). This is computer-based and needs humans to check all the captured fields.

Once received at Basware and delivered to the recipient's system, the scanned invoice's delivery time is around 24-72 hrs. A good guideline is that there needs to be one business day between received and delivered.

** If the supplier sends the invoice via email as a PDF file to email scanning ( during the weekend, the validation starts whenever the first shift arrives to work on Monday morning. If the email is received late Friday, the delivery is on Tuesday.

Therefore, it is likely that there will be no or very few scanned invoices arriving on Monday.