BT - E-Invoice Sending - Attachment name is not valid


Error E-mail Subject: BT-Service Alert: Invalid Invoices.

Error: Attachment name is not valid


This error notification email is sent automatically from BT when the name of the invoice data files received in BT are longer than 150 characters. While sending an invoice to Basware BT for processing, the sender may send one or more files associated with that invoice.

  1. Invoice data
  2. Invoice legal image
  3. Invoice attachment

If the filename of any one of these files or filename of all the files is grater than 150 characters then the invoice will get rejected.


Rename the file(s) to be less than 100 characters and resend the invoice. Note that when BT processes the invoice, the invoice image and invoice attachment the filename gets 36 characters added (i.e. file typ_sender(id)_receiver(id)_bt(no.)_) . Therefore, the filename should be within 100 characters limit.


Please note that the new filename(s) should be replaced in the invoice data too.


If you are unable to resolve the issue on your own, please provide the following information to your Basware Support (Basware ServiceNow contact form) and submit a case.

Examples of alert emails:

Example 1:

Subject: BT-Service Alert: Invalid Invoices

Dear Basware BT Service user.

Invoice that you have sent to Basware Business Transactions service could not be delivered to the recipient.

Attachment name is not valid.
Please rename the attachment to be less than 150 characters and resend the invoice.

Invoice Information:

Sender's Name: Sender Oy

Sender ID: xxxx

Recipient ID in Invoice: xxxx

Invoice number: INVOICE123

Invoice Date: DD.MM.YYYY

Invoice total amount: 1.23

Filename: xxxxxxx.xml

Error: xxxx

Example 2:
Subject: BT-Service Alert: Invalid Invoices

Dear Basware BT Service user.

Invoice that you have sent to Basware Business Transactions service could not be delivered to the recipient.

Attachment name is not valid.
Please check attachment name.

Invoice Information:

Invoice Sender: Sender Oy Ab


Filename: xxxxxxx.xml

Invoice Date: DD.MM.YYYY

Invoice number: INVOICE123

Invoice total amount: 1.23

Sender ID: xxxx

Sender's Name: Sender Oy

Recipient ID in Invoice: xxxx

Recipient's Name:

Error: Attachment File name 'xxxxxxxxx' is too long.

Example 3:
Finnish Subject: BT-Palveluhälytys: Virhe laskun tiedoissa

Hyvä Baswaren Verkkolaskupalvelun asiakas,

Basware Business Transactions -palveluun lähettämäänne laskua ei voitu toimittaa vastaanottajalle.

Liitetiedosto on nimetty virheellisesti
Tarkastaa liittetiedoston nimi.

Laskun tiedot:

Laskun lähettäjä: Sender Oy Ab

Palvelutunnus: BWEIXX-XXXXXX

Laskuerän tiedostonimi: xxxxxxx.xml

Laskun päivämäärä: DD.MM.YYYY

Laskun numero: INVOICE123

Laskun loppusumma: 1.23

Lähettäjän tunnus: xxxx

Lähettäjä: Sender Oy

Laskulla oleva vastaanottajan verkkolaskuosoite:

Vastaanottajan nimi:
Virhe: Attachment File name 'xxxxxxxxx' is too long.


Example 4:

Subject: BT-Service Alert: Invalid Invoices

Dear Basware BT Service user.

Invoice that you have sent to Basware Business Transactions service could not be delivered to the recipient.

Attachment name is not valid.
Please rename the attachment to be less than 150 characters and resend the invoice.

Invoice Information:

Sender's Name: Sender Oy

Sender ID: xxxx

Recipient ID in Invoice: xxxx

Invoice number: INVOICE123

Invoice Date: DD.MM.YYYY

Invoice total amount: 1.23

Filename: xxxxxxx.xml

Error: xxxx


Example 5:

Subject: BT-Service Alert: Invalid Invoices

Dear Basware BT Service user.

Invoice that you have sent to Basware Business Transactions service could not be delivered to the recipient.

Attachment name is not valid.
Please check attachment name.

Invoice Information:

Invoice Sender: Sender Oy Ab


Filename: xxxxxxx.xml

Invoice Date: DD.MM.YYYY

Invoice number: INVOICE123

Invoice total amount: 1.23

Sender ID: xxxx

Sender's Name: Sender Oy

Recipient ID in Invoice: xxxx

Recipient's Name:

Error: Attachment File name 'xxxxxxxxx' is too long.

Example 6:
Subject: BT-Palveluhälytys: Virhe laskun tiedoissa

Hyvä Baswaren Verkkolaskupalvelun asiakas,

Basware Business Transactions -palveluun lähettämäänne laskua ei voitu toimittaa vastaanottajalle.

Liitetiedosto on nimetty virheellisesti
Tarkastaa liittetiedoston nimi.

Laskun tiedot:

Laskun lähettäjä: Sender Oy Ab

Palvelutunnus: BWEIXX-XXXXXX

Laskuerän tiedostonimi: xxxxxxx.xml

Laskun päivämäärä: DD.MM.YYYY

Laskun numero: INVOICE123

Laskun loppusumma: 1.23

Lähettäjän tunnus: xxxx

Lähettäjä: Sender Oy

Laskulla oleva vastaanottajan verkkolaskuosoite:

Vastaanottajan nimi:
Virhe: Attachment File name 'xxxxxxxxx' is too long.