Sending files to us:
Productive system:
Port: 3305 or 6619
Odette-ID (SFID): O0013009183FIRSTBP
Odette-ID (SSID): O0013009183FIRSTBP
Password: 1STBP
OFTP2 Certificate: please check Gateway OFTP2 certificates renewal
Note: Please make sure the connection to our server can be established (check with telnet and/or add URL to the Firewall whitelist in case you have any rules in place)
Test system:
Port: 3305 & 6619
Odette-ID (SFID): O0013009183FIRSTBPTEST001
Odette-ID (SSID): O0013009183FIRSTBPTEST001
Password: 1STBPTST
OFTP2 Certificate: please check Gateway OFTP2 certificates renewal
Receiving files from us:
Produktive system:
NOTE: If you have firewall rules in place, please ensure these 2 IPs are whitelisted.
Odette-ID (SFID): O0013009183FIRSTBP
Odette-ID (SSID): O0013009183FIRSTBP
Password: 1STBP
OFTP2 Certificate: please check Gateway OFTP2 certificates renewal
Test system:
Odette-ID (SFID): O0013009183FIRSTBPTEST001
Odette-ID (SSID): O0013009183FIRSTBPTEST001
Password: 1STBPTST
OFTP2 Certificate: please check Gateway OFTP2 certificates renewal