This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 18.3 and its maintenance releases.
Module(s): Config Tool
Feature ID: ALUSTA-34078
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Visual improvements are done in the Line data panel to make it more usable. The order of the fields is redefined. Earlier, the order of the fields was a combination of former line data and pricing panel fields, but now they are reordered to a single Line data panel.
There are also some functional improvements. Quantity unit now can have also the quantity unit name so that the user does not have to use the quantity unit code alone. The Reason for discount field is visible by default, because it is mandatory if Discount percent has been set. The Show purpose to supplier field cannot be set visible anymore as there is not support for that field in the system at all.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-32394
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
It is possible to set the invoicing address to be the same as the delivery address. This is practical especially if the delivery address has been manually defined.
To prevent conflicts in the delivery address and invoicing address settings, the following two rules apply:
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-22327
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
A completely new free-text forms functionality with lookup list support replaces the previously available free-text forms functionality in the Edge user interface. This includes a new user experience both to free-text form shop users and free-text form admin users. New free-text forms can be configured to include fields displayed as selectable lists and the forms support as nearly comprehensive set of standard, dedicated and custom line level fields as available in the purchase requisition screens, making it possible to for example collect all the invoice coding details required for an efficient P2P process already in the very beginning of the process, that is, when filling in the details of the need in a free-text form.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-33665
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
The workflow panel is enhanced so that it now shows the current recipient for the tasks that are on someone else’s task list.
The workflow panel now also shows if the invoice has been transferred.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-29470
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
User can filter notifications by document type in the Notification center.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-29469
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
User can now mark all notifications as read from both the notification widget and Notification center.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-31986
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
User can now mark a single notification as read from the Notification center.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-31988
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
The discussion icon on the task list and search pages is changed from an envelope to speech bubbles to better refer to discussions.
Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-24198
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
When matching, the system distributes the subsequent total between selected items based on the sum of earlier matches. Quantity in the invoice line is not needed because the system will copy the quantity from earlier matches automatically as part of the coding generated from the match.
This feature is only in use if it is allowed in the configuration. When disabled, the subsequent debit/credit must be matched with the specified quantity and total with one to one match to an individual order item instead of matching the same subsequent debit/credit line with many order items at the same time.
Module(s): Match Plans
Feature ID: ALUSTA-31213
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Now it is possible to create a maximum of 250 payment schedule rows or self-billing invoices at the same time using the recurrence action on a payment plan. This makes it possible to define a monthly recurrence up to 20 years. Earlier, it was possible to create only a maximum of 99 rows at the same time.
Module(s): Match Plans
Feature ID: ALUSTA-33232
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
If the user has a pending task for a payment plan, the user can now perform the action also in the details view of the plan on the Documents tab. Earlier, the actions for a payment plan were available only in the details view on the Tasks tab.
Module(s): Match Plans
Feature ID: ALUSTA-5877
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed
Now it is possible to define a reviewer and an approver in the payment plan header data. There are also user pickers available for these new fields, making it easier to find a correct and valid user.
These new fields are visible in the Workplace and Edge user interfaces. A Basware consultant is needed to take these fields into use because there are new recipient resolvers related. These new fields can also be configured to be visible in the request payment plan action in the Edge user interface.
Moreover, it is possible to search for payment plans with reviewer and approver information. These fields have been added to the search criteria in the Advanced Search dialog in Workplace.
These fields can be used as search criteria also in the payment plan search in Edge.
Module(s): P2P Admin
Feature ID: ALUSTA-20795
Release: P2P 18.3
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed
Service providers’ administrator users have limited access to customer data. SaaS Three customers can now request that these administrator users document reason for using that limited access each time. SaaS Three customers can also request that the documented reasons are reported to them.