Welcome to Basware Customer Support!
We are here to help you with your questions, anytime! Below, we have collected information, which we consider to be beneficial for you. Reading those articles through will ensure, that you will have the best possible start with us.
Where to start? Good to go through right away:
What should I do when I need help regarding Basware -solutions?
Basware Support Portal is main source of information. You can visit our Knowledge Base, check the planned maintenance activities, log a case or chat with us, all in the same tool. Support Portal can be accessed in https://basware.service-now.com/bw.
How can I contact Basware Support?
- Support can be reached by logging a Case to Support Portal, via chat (in Support Portal or Basware Portal) or by phone. Phone numbers are listed in this article.
How do I search for the information in the Support Portal?
- Basware Support Portal contains an extensive Knowledge Base, which contains a selection of articles from “how-to” -questions to Release notes. You can start to type your concerned topic into the “How can we help?” box, and you will see the relevant articles. More information can be found here.
How can I log a support case?
- First, login to the Support Portal. We recommend, that you first review if the answer is already available in our Knowledge Base. If the answer was not yet there, and you want to contact Basware Support, just start by clicking “Log a case”. More detailed instructions you can find from here.
- Please note, that case creation is done via Support Portal. In case you want to continue handling via email, that is possible after the case creation. Then just reply to the confirmation email received from Support Portal and keep the case number in the Subject-field.
What information is required, when logging a Case?
- Each Case form will instruct you, what information is needed. On top of that, please be as detailed as possible to enable us to solve your Case as soon as possible.
- For example, the following information is very useful:
- Number and percentage of users affected?
- Is there a workaround available?
- Number and/or total value of documents impacted?
- When did the issue start/reoccur?
- Which are the steps to reproduce the issue?
- Are there any logs you can provide?
- Example of documents/users that are impacted, and examples of users/documents not facing the issue?
- What do you think the underlying cause could be?
What does the Urgency mean in the Case form?
- You will be asked to fill in an Urgency, when submitting a Case to Basware Support. Urgency means, how long it will take that an issue starts to have an impact on your business. Basware Support will fill in an Impact to the Case based on your description and the combination of those two (Urgency and Impact) the Priority will be set to the Case. Priority is used as a basis for SLA-calculation.
- More information about the Urgency and Impact can be read from here.
What is the difference between Case and Request Item?
- Case is a ticket type for raising questions or reporting possible issues. Cases are logged via “Log a Case” and each Case number starts with BWCS. Request item is a ticket type for requesting changes to your Basware solutions or other services from us. These Change Requests (Request items) are logged via Service Catalog and number starts with RITM.
- You can find more information about Request items form here.
How can I manage my open Tickets in Support Portal?
- All different Ticket types, active and already closed ones, can be seen in “My items”. Please review this article for more details.
How can I request a new user account to Support Portal?
- New users can be requested from Support Portal by logging a Case by using a specific Case form. Please review this article for more details.
I am a new user and I do not have user account to Support Portal. What should I do?
- In case any of your colleges has access to Support Portal, they can request it to you by logging a Case. If no one has the access, please contact us via chat by clicking the button
available on the support portal.
How to reset my password in Support Portal?
- If you cannot remember your password to Support Portal, go to the Login-page, click Login and then Reset Password.
- Detailed instructions can be found from here.
How to submit a Change Request?
- Change Requests are submitted to Support Portal. We have made it easy for you by creating a pre-defined Catalog.
- More detailed instructions regarding Change Request Catalog can be found from here.
How to initiate a chat with the support team?
- Chat can be opened from the bottom right corner in Support Portal. Click on the chat icon and select your preferred language to start a conversation and select your preference language.

All above is clear, and you are familiar with the basics? Awesome, then please continue from here:
Is there a way to check, from Support Portal, what is the status of my Basware Services?
- Yes, there is. For the majority of the services, we have the reporting available in Support Portal. You can track the service levels for past months and get the information of the up-coming releases.
- Please check the detailed instructions and the supported services from here.
I received an email, where I am asked to provide feedback regarding the Case or Change Request handling. What is it about?
- Basware is continuously collecting feedback from our customers. We are eager to hear, when we did well and when there was some room for the improvement. Based on the received feedback, we do adjust our ways of working, to serve you even better.
- The survey is sent out after each closed ticket via email and the open survey can be also reached from the Support Portal, in the top navigation “Give Feedback”.
I saw in the Support Portal a ticket called “Incident” and the number started with BWIN. What is that and what actions are expected from me?
- Incidents are defined as any interruptions, degradation, or effects on business services, configuration items, or customers and are reported by internal Basware teams. By default, incidents are internal. Sometimes incidents will require actions from you or you as a customer need to be notified for example about the rejected document. Then Basware will reach out to you via a specific ticket, Incident, starting with BWIN.
I would like to add a new person to be part of the existing discussion on a specific Case. A person does not have access to Support Portal? What should I do?
- We have identified that need, and we have a “Watchlist” - functionality for that in the Support Portal. We recommend using that, instead of creating multiple additional Support Portal users. When you log a Case, you can find the “Watchlist” field on any Case form. Just add the e-mail address of the people you want to keep updated with the case information. The “Watchlist” option is also available after you logged the case also.
Is it possible to know, in advance, when there will be a maintenance break?
- Yes, definitely! All planned activities (maintenance breaks and releases) are visible in Support Portal main page.
- You can check for more details in here.
My case was set as “Resolved”, but I would like to reopen it. Is it possible?
- Yes, you can do it by replying to the email sent by Basware Support or from the Support Portal by navigating to that specific Case from “My Items”. There you can find a button “Are you happy with this solution” and by clicking No, the Case will be reopened.
- Please note, that Case remains in Resolved status for 15 days and after that it will be set as Closed. Once the Case is set as Closed, it cannot be reopened.
What is the SLO for our cases?
- SLO (Service Level Objective) are the targeted levels of service for response and resolution times for each Case.
Ready to know more?
I am eager to know what new features will be in the next versions. How can I access that information?
- New features can be found easily from the Support Portal landing page.
- Just click the “Release Notes” -icon or type “Release notes” in the search box in the middle of the page.
I have questions regarding an invoice, that was sent by Basware. Who should I contact?
- You can log a Case to Support Portal, and we will get back to you.
How often our services are upgraded?
- Different Basware Services has different release cycles. You can check from the Support Portal, when your services in use are upgraded.
What are the Technical Requirements on our side?
- Up-to-date requirements are listed in the Basware Technical Requirements document on this page.