Basware Purchase-to-Pay 17.10 New Features


1 Introduction

This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 17.10 and its maintenance releases.

2 Procurement

2.1 “Document number not reset at year change” setting

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-21785
Release: P2P 17.10
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed

It is now possible to select that the PR/PO/GR document numbering is not reset at the turn of the year.

2.2 Add attachment to purchase requisition header and line on detail views when approving or creating a new purchase in Edge

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-5535
Release: P2P 17.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The approver can now add and delete attachments on purchase requisition header and line when approving a purchase requisition.

2.3 Receive counter offer with delivery period changes (Peppol)

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-24674
Release: P2P 17.10
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed

In an EHF Order response, the seller may propose changes to quantity, delivery period, price, or replacement item. Now Basware P2P can receive an EHF order response with delivery period change. When the seller accepts an order with changes, the order response code «30» must be sent on order header level to the buyer.

2.4 Receive counter offer with price changes (Peppol)

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-24676
Release: P2P 17.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Peppol/EHF order responses may include price changes by supplier. Price changes by supplier are shown to the buyer.

2.5 Receive counter offer with quantity changes (Peppol)

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-24673
Release: P2P 17.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

In an EHF Order response, the seller may propose changes to quantity, delivery period, price, or replacement item. Now Basware P2P can receive an EHF order response with quantity change. When the seller accepts an order with changes, the order response code «30» must be sent on order header level to the buyer.

2.6 Receive counter offer with tax changes (Peppol)

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-24677
Release: P2P 17.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

In an EHF Order response, the seller may propose changes to quantity, delivery period, price, or replacement item. Now Basware P2P can receive an EHF order response with tax change. When the seller accepts an order with changes, the order response code «30» must be sent on order header level to the buyer.

2.7 Using name of the quantity unit instead of standard’s common code in Edge

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-24594
Release: P2P 17.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

In Edge Purchase, the system was showing quantity unit codes on the purchase requisition and goods receipt documents and task list view. This was changed so that instead of showing codes the system shows quantity unit names.

3 AP Automation

3.1 Add icon and document type to details pages too

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-24860
Release: P2P 17.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Document type and icon are now available also in document details page, line pages, and history page for all document types: invoices, payment plans, purchase requisitions, and goods receipts.

Purchase requisition details page


Purchase requisition line details page


Purchase requisition history page


Invoice details page

3.2 Check box support in Edge

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-28417
Release: P2P 17.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Now it is possible to edit the check box values like Payment block in Header data.

3.3 Dynamic launch of matching event when a new goods receipt arrives

Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-15525
Release: P2P 17.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Now the system is able to launch matching for a specific invoice when a new goods receipt is recorded for a purchase order. Instead of waiting for the next processing time, the invoice can be matched instantly when the goods receipt arrives.

4 Platform

4.1 abcPDF release upgrade

Module(s): Platform
Feature ID: ALUSTA-27533
Release: P2P 17.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

PDF file and invoice image conversion library has been upgraded. The update removes compatibility issues with some PDF variants.

5 General

5.1 New user right added to get “Customize Purchase Order PDF” visible in Configuration Tool

Module(s): Config Tool
Feature ID: ALUSTA-25621
Release: P2P 17.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

A new user right has been added in Admin > System User > System Configuration to get “Customize Purchase Order PDF” visible in Configuration Tool.

In Configuration Tool, Customize Purchase Order PDF will be visible.