P2P - Supplier Guide - Price List Exports and Imports in Product Manager


How to import and export price lists in Product Manager.


Please note there are two options for importing a Price List file: Merge and Replace.

What does the merge option do?

Merge enables you to add new or amend price list items to the existing price list.

What does the replace option do?

Replace existing enables you to overwrite your price list. N.B this will delete a previously created price list.

Once in the Import Price List page, you will need to select whether you are merging or replacing. Then you will need to select your file that is saved on your computer and the click on Upload.


Super Content Loader Export 

You can also now export your price list in super content loader format.

From the manage price list page click the super content loader export option on the top right: 


In the pop up then press 'Export' button to generate the file:


After a short time the file will be generated (you can navigate away from this page and the export will continue to generate), click the price list name to download the file: