This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Travel & Expense 23.10 and its maintenance releases.
Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-4013
Release: TEM 23.10
Feature Implementation: N/A
Basic data usability has been improved so that there is an option to filter data based on any field. S orting of edit fields is done alphabetically.
Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-3980
Release: TEM 23.10
Feature Implementation: N/A
It is now possible to edit a queued purchase and invoice transactions.
Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-3996
Release: TEM 23.10
Feature Implementation: N/A
The open transactions report is now available in web client.
Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-3997
Release: TEM 23.10
Feature Implementation: N/A
The purchase transaction report is now available in web client.
Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-3995
Release: TEM 23.10
Feature Implementation: N/A
The reconciliation report is now available in web client.
Module(s): Edge
Feature ID: TEM-3804
Release: TEM 23.10
Feature Implementation: N/A
The user can drag and drop attachments to the document’s receipt and attachment panel or receipts list. When the user drags files over to the UI element, the border changes, to indicate that the user can drop the files. After the files are dropped, a preview dialog is shown where the user can delete any accidentally dropped files before sending them to TEM. If unapproved files were dropped (invalid file extension), the user must delete them before the files can be uploaded. When the Add button is clicked in the dialog, the files are uploaded to the document or the receipts list.
Instead of selecting a file, it is also possible to drag and drop a file when adding a single file attachment on the receipt details page. Dragging and dropping is possible when adding a single attachment to a document or when linking a new attachment to an expense or vehicle usage. This also means that the Open file dialog does not open automatically when entering the page.
UI texts are changed to inform the user that it is possible to drag and drop or select a file.
Module(s): Edge
Feature ID: TEM-3929
Release: TEM 23.10
Feature Implementation: N/A
Image attachment and PDF preview are now available on the attachment details screen.
Module(s): Edge
Feature ID: TEM-4021
Release: TEM 23.10
Feature Implementation: N/A
In case the expense has the participants feature enabled, the Participants button is shown on the expense details. By clicking the button, the user can edit/view the participants list. Note that the participants list is common for all expenses.
Module(s): Edge
Feature ID: TEM-3434
Release: TEM 23.10
Feature Implementation: N/A
If the user has unused receipts (that have not yet been added to the document), the link to select the receipt is visible in the link attachment or receipt dialog box. After clicking the link, the user can choose from the available receipts and the selected receipt will be linked to the expense.
Module(s): Web client,Windows client,Edge
Feature ID: TEM-3787
Release: TEM 23.10
Feature Implementation: N/A
There is added support for time-based one-time password authentication (TOTP). When TOTP is being used, and the user logs in to TEM, the user is required to enter a verification code from an authenticator application before the access is granted.
TOTP can be enabled as optional or mandatory in user rights selectively on win/web/edge client and with password/SSO authentication. When setting up TOTP, the user is presented with a QR code that must be scanned using the Google or Microsoft Authenticator application. Upon login to TEM, the user is required to enter a code from the application or set up the application if the user has not yet done so.
If the user has lost access to their authenticator account and cannot log in, they can request the administrator to reset the TOTP setting.
New database columns added with this feature:
Module(s): Web client,Edge
Feature ID: TEM-4064
Release: TEM 23.10
Feature Implementation: N/A
When the Application setting SOVELLUSASETUS.ROUTES.ENTRYSTYLE has a value, vehicle usages can be entered as segments. When the address is entered, a route is created based on those addresses. The route is also saved as a user’s favorite route for later use. Addresses are not linked to the favorite route.
New table introduced with this feature: AJOREITTIPISTE
New settings are stored in SOVELLUSASETUS table:
0=classic (single route entry)
1=mixed (single route entry or route as segments)
2=segments (entering route as segments)